Comedians In The Bar

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Jason Leong, the celebrated comedian entertained a very large group of Malaysian lawyers at their annual dinner cum gala ball at the Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

He said, “It is such an honour and pleasure to perform in front of all my fellow comedians.”

“It was also a happy moment for me to perform in front of Mr Tommy Thomas and Dato’ Ambiga, both of whom are my heroes.”

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Seriously, I was holding my breath and waiting for a defamation class-action lawsuit from the Malaysian Bar Council.

Perhaps a small group of offended lawyers would sue this wisecrack and make some easy money.

Yes, I’ve been waiting for nearly 6 months and nothing happened. Zilch. Nada.

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Maybe the Malaysian lawyers have conceded that there are indeed some comedians amongst their ranks – but definitely not all of them.



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