Rome Statute – Why Now Malaysia?


Since Independence in 1957 until 1984, the Federal Court of Malaysia remained the second highest court in the land, being subordinated to the “Privy Council” in England.

The Judicial Committee of the “Privy Council” is the highest Court of Appeal for the former colonies of the Great Britain empire or known as Commonwealth countries.

Appeals to the Privy Council in criminal and constitutional matters were abolished on 1st Jan 1978.

Appeals to the Privy Council in civil matters were finally abolished on 1st Jan 1985.

1957 – 1984      The Federal Court of Malaysia

1985 – 1994      The Supreme Court (new name)

24th June 1994 The Federal Court (reinstated its original name)

Hence, the date 1st Jan 1985 was celebrated as the nation of Malaysia coming of age.

Transitioning from an inexperienced infant to a mature adult.

From a fledgling democracy to a responsible nation to exercise leadership on the world stage.

So the citizens of Malaysia were saying a joyful goodbye to the Privy Council.

No longer would they go beyond the Malaysian shores to seek for justice or redress;

For the interpretation of Malaysian laws which were infused with local culture and customs.

The Supreme Court was so renamed on 1st Jan 1985 to reflect the change of identity and authority.

Having seized “supreme” control of its judicial destiny of a sovereign nation in the true spirit of liberty.

Truly a sovereign nation of a free people who would not be subjugated to foreign powers or be dictated to – as to the well-being of its own citizens.


Our own local Justices had to grow their feet quickly to fill in the large shoes of the offices of the Supreme Court.

They had to share wisdom and counsel of their deliberations in a self-sufficient judicial system.

It was a time of celebration and jubilation for all the stakeholders of a sovereign Malaysia.

From the YDP Agong, the Council of Malay Rulers, the Executive branch, the Legislative branch, the Judiciary branch; to the diverse people of Malaysia who shared a common destiny.

On 24th June 1994, the Supreme Court reverted back to its original name – The Federal Court of Malaysia – after a controversial and radical rewriting of the Constitution in 1993.

Let me provide a fair and balanced perspective, that all these changes happened during the time of the 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia who was in office from 16th July 1981 – 31st October 2003.

All these changes also happened in the backdrop of the sacking of the Lord President of the Supreme Court and suspension of five Supreme Court Judges in 1988.

Indeed, it was an ugly page of Malaysian history called the Judicial Crisis of 1988.

Fast forward to 1st June 2019, everything will change and the sovereignty of our free nation would be ignominiously reversed.

Joker Jester

Malaysia’s ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) would be official and binding in 60 days time counting from April Fools’ Day.

The dictatorial decision was made by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) without consultation with the YDP Agong or the Council of Malay Rulers.

Indeed there was no royal assent, let alone any meaningful consultation with any stakeholders of what they call the “New Malaysia” after 9 May 2018.

This means that the PMO had effectively surrendered all the gains of a sovereign nation to be subjugated by a foreign judicial court.


Why was it named the “Rome Statute”?

The name “Rome” had been associated with the “Roman Empire” a colonial world power.

Indeed this was the mastermind of 9 Crusader Wars within the span of 100 years to capture Jerusalem until Saladin vanquished the invaders.

The Vatican as the smallest country in the world (located in Rome) has a seat in the United Nations.

This is interesting – so, is the Vatican a monarchy, a democracy or a republic?

The Pope has unimaginably great influence over many head of states and governments of nations.

What does the common people in Malaysia understand from jargons like a genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression?

ISIS rampage and targeted killing of Yazidis was definitely a genocide.

I’m not really sure about the violence and killings during May 13, 1969 in Kuala Lumpur.

Or even the Memali Incident during 19 November 1985 in Kedah.

Soon, it’s going to be the 50th anniversary of the infamous May 13 bloodbath.

Don’t count out any smart-Alec (from anywhere in the world) who will submit an application to the ICC for a judicial review of Malaysia’s past.

Now that the PMO had ratified the Rome treaty – there will be no immunity from ICC prosecution for those implicated, whatever their position in Malaysia may be.

Do you remember World War 2 when soldiers from Australia, New Zealand and Britain died in defending Malaya from the Japanese aggression?

Why did these young soldiers have to die and what for?

Simply because their countries had a military alliance and a friendship pact with our country.

Hence, Malaysia is expected to act with mutual reciprocity to send our soldiers to support our friends in military expeditions in time of urgent need.

The world is already moving towards network-centric warfare where alliances are absolutely critical and no one fights alone against a mob.

That’s why Malaysia (Sunni) sent our soldiers to support Saudi Arabia (Sunni) in their war in Yemen (Sunni).

Yemen (Sunni) had experienced a coup (or power grab) from Shitte rebels supported by Iran (Shitte).

“Operation North Thunder” included the allies of Saudi Arabia including Malaysia, Yemen, UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, Sudan, Jordan, Pakistan, Qatar, Kuwait, Morocco, Chad, Maldives, Comoros, Tunisia and Oman.


If Yemen (Iran’s proxy) had become hostile to Saudi Arabia, all of Saudi’s shipping would have been choked completely.

Now Yemen had turned into an horrendous humanitarian catastrophe from incessant bombings and atrocities from both sides.

Critics are calling it a “war crime” and “crime against humanity” while vowing to bring it to the ICC.

By acceding to the Rome Statute, the PMO had subjugated the sovereignty of our Constitution and surrendered the immunity of our leaders in event of the ICC prosecution.

One social media commentary speculated that the hidden motive of Malaysia joining the ICC was to lay a possible prosecution of war crimes (in Yemen) for Datuk Seri Najib Razak who was the former PM.

I really don’t think that this reasoning is an accurate reflection of the true picture.

Nonetheless, the recalcitrant refusal of the PMO to hold consultations with the Council of Malay Rulers concerning the ICC had opened the door to wild speculation.

Do you remember that our previous YDP Agong Muhammad V was still on vacation in Russia when the PMO claimed to have informed the Acting YDP Agong of its intention to ratify the Rome Statute in Dec 2018?

Notification is not the same with consultation or seeking for royal consent.

Tugu Negara

According to our Constitution, our YDP Agong is the Supreme Ruler of Malaysia and also the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

If Malaysia were to lose our liberty to support friendly nations in military alliances, (under the threat of ICC prosecution)

Then Malaysia will stand alone isolated when a mob of hostile nations threaten us.

In 1979, the Deputy Prime Minister allegedly said that Malaysia will shoot-at-sight ships carrying Vietnamese refugees to Malaysian shores to turn them away.

If that allegation was true and if that eventuality actually caused the death of thousands of refugees, this “crime against humanity” would have become a case for the ICC come 1st June 2019.

Also, we can forget about preemptive strikes against terrorist camps lurking across our borders in Sabah.

That deceptive scenario would seem to be Malaysia’s Armed Forces allegedly committing a “crime of aggression”!


What has Malaysia really got to gain by joining the ICC?

Russia is not a member of ICC to answer to the cool-blooded downing of MH 17 in Ukraine.

Neither is the United States, or Singapore, or China, or Israel, or India; even a member of the ICC.

They say that this 94 year-old man – has a razor sharp mind.

Even though he hasn’t got much time left – he does not waste his bullets.

Dark clouds are looming for the perfect storm.

Where do you stand my friend?


MW photo

Melayu Tidak Mudah Lupa

Agong_Majlis Raja

Raja Melayu Bertakhta Selama-lamanya.

Sehingga Hari Kiamat, Allah Mencurahi Rahmat.

Bila Suara Tuanku Bertitah, Melayu Sudah Menyahut.

Melayu Tidak Mudah Lupa, Jasa Tuanku Di-Sahut.



Raja Melayu Membela Nasib Rakyat Melayu.

Kami Bersyukur Pengkurniaan Allah Di-Sini Bumi Melayu.

Kembali-Lah Tuanku Ke-Tanah Air Mu.

Kami Rakyat Jelata Amat Merindui Mu.



Raja Melayu Di-Sanjungi, SeTinggi-Tinggi Nya.

Ilmu Pengajian Di-Cari, SeLuas-Luas Nya.

Mana Siapa Yang Tidak Pernah Berdosa, Hidup Di-Bumi Ini?

Dosa Di-Ampuni Ilahi, Bertaubat Mengikut Nabi.



Hujan Merintik Ke-Bumi, Matahari Kembali Bersinar.

Pelangi Mengkagumi Di-Langit, Suasana Jiwaku Di-Sinar.

Kembali-Lah Tuanku, Bersama Keluarga Mu.

Kami Rakyat Jelata, Juga Keluarga Mu.


Hasil Penulisan Moses Wong

Sejak 3-4 hari yang lalu, saya tidak dapat menahan perasaan naluri saya lagi.

Arus emosi ini adalah terlalu kuat dan air mata ku mengalir bagai arus anak sungai.

Ini adalah isi kandungan dan suara hati saya dengan ikhlas sepenuhnya.


Saya tidak ada hasrat yang lain kecuali ungkapan perasaan merindui Tuanku.

Memang YDP Agong sudah berada di-seberang laut dalam tempuh yang agak lama.

Marilah kita menghantar salam ikhlas dan perasaan rindu kepada Tuanku.

Semoga Tuanku dapat kembali dalam tempuh yang singkat sekali.

  • Hantar e-mel.
  • Buat panggilan.
  • Hantar faks.

Agong_Majlis Raja

Saudara dan saudiri yang di-kasihi, saya dengan rendah hati memohon

supaya mesej ini disebarkan kepada saudara-mara dan rakan-rakan di Facebook.

Marilah kita bergabung hasrat murni, semangat dan tenaga supaya

Tuanku dapat kembali untuk meneruskan tugasnya sebagai YDP Agong.


Seterusnya, ini adalah ungkapan kesimpulan saya:-


Melayu Tidak Mudah Lupa, Jasa Raja-Raja Melayu.

Melayu Tidak Pernah Menjatuhkan Takhta Raja Melayu.

Kembali-Lah Tuanku, Ke-Tanah Air Mu.

Kami Rakyat Jelata, Tetap Keluarga Mu.


MW photo

Keagongan Tuanku Keemasan Gemilang


Sopan santun budaya perwira Melayu,

Setia mempertahankan takhta Raja Melayu.

Denyutan jantung menjunjung kasih Tuanku,

Patik rela mengorban segalanya demi Tuanku.




Dimana rakyat menderita penyamun memerangkap,

Disitu keRAJAan Tuanku, pengganas ditangkap.

Raja Melayu jelas penyayang, pelindung rakyat.

Keamanan terjamin, ditakdir kemakmuran rakyat.




Rakyat Malaysia sekian menyanjungi tinggi Tuanku.

Kami berdoa ALLAH memberkati pemerintahan Tuanku.

Daulat Tuanku, Kemuliaan Tuanku Tidak Terbilang.

Daulat Tuanku, Keagongan Tuanku Keemasan Gemilang.



~ Hasil penulisan Moses Wong pada hari yang amat bersejarah 24 April 2017.

Pertabalan DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong Ke-15.


MW photo

I am anti-ICERD, says Chinese Christian


My wife said, Please don’t go to the anti-ICERD demonstration.

You don’t know what might happen there. It’s just not safe.

I answered my wife, I really have to go.

I have my mission and my reasons to be there.


Honestly, I had many questions in my mind but they were mostly unanswered.

At that time, I haven’t made my stand yet on the ICERD issue which was too important for me to ignore.

Frankly, I couldn’t rely on newspapers or cable news for the truth.

They seem to have a bias to their financial and political backers to spin narratives.

I couldn’t rely on bloggers or the social media either.

Even retired Law Minister and lawyer Zaid Ibrahim ceased commenting on controversial issues in his blog.

His family told him that his (insightful) stance will not put food on the table.

Zaid_last testament

The peer pressure to conform is so very real.

The narratives are enforced along political, racial and religious lines.

Alienation, ostracization and family rejection are too painful for many of us.

But I am sticking my neck out in writing this opinion because the truth must be told.

If the good doctor makes a wrong diagnosis, then he will inevitably prescribe the wrong medicine.

If our Prime Minister makes a wrong prognosis, then it might lead to the death of our nation. Seriously!

My friends, you are all at liberty to hold on to your own respective viewpoints.

I respect your opinions. That’s why my inbox for feedback is always open for you. (

My 1st discovery at the rally.

My feelings told me that I was very safe. For this, I was extremely and pleasantly surprised!

Despite the chanting, slogans and loud rhetoric – I felt no danger or threat to my life.

That was my best reward for being at the rally knowing that the Malays are a very peaceful people.


My 2nd discovery.

The anti-ICERD rally was attended by 99.9% Malays who were all Muslims.

I sensed that the Malays had a very deep burden and anxiety in their hearts.

When I speak to them, I will try my best to discern the intonation of their voice.

I will also look deep into their eyes to gauge their sincerity.

Indeed, my fellow Malaysians are perceiving that their race and religion is under attack.

You will have to read the 7 provisions of the Malay Rulers’ Will _ “7 Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu” to find the connection to race and religion.


My 3rd discovery.

ICERD is the acronym for the United Nations ratification and agreement among nations.

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.


Our nation-building in Malaysia have always been to intensify the uplifting of the social-economic status of the indigenous communities which we call bumiputras (sons-of-soil).

Nonetheless, the non-Malays have never been deprived of essential government services.

This includes the right to citizenship, police protection, education, welfare programs or healthcare.

Sure, critics complain that many government and civil jobs have gone to the Malays.

So exactly what percentage of the Malay civil servants have become millionaires and multi-millionaires compared to the Chinese entrepreneurs?

Traditionally, the Chinese have always thrived and prospered in hard places.

3b. Let’s go back to recent history.

On 1st April 2008, DAP the largest Chinese majority party made an electoral pact with PKR and PAS Islamic Party to form Pakatan Rakyat (People’s Alliance) coalition.

In June 2011, during the 57th muktamar, PAS adopted the “Welfare State” manifesto instead of its previous “Islamic State” quest.

The “Welfare State” concept had an strong emphasis on welfare, charitable activities and financial support especially tilting towards the Malay and Muslim citizens.

This was legally and institutionalizing positive discrimination based on racial lines.

During GE13 held on 5th May 2013, DAP was too happy to endorse the new stance of PAS namely the “Welfare State”.

Later DAP broke off with PAS in 2015 after Tok Guru Nik Aziz passed away. AlFatihah.

Prior to GE14 on 9th May 2018, Pakatan Harapan (Hope Alliance) was the electoral coalition formed by DAP, PKR, Pribumi Bersatu, Amanah and Warisan.

It was very challenging and an uphill struggle to convince the Malays and Muslims to vote “Pakatan”.

One of Pakatan’s election promise in 2018 was to uphold the Bumiputra privileges (sons-of-soil policy) which in a way resembled the “Welfare State” concept as in 2011.

As a result, Pakatan managed to secure 25% – 30% of Malay support which was a considerable achievement.

After winning the elections, 93 year old PM Tun Dr Mahathir announced in November 2018 that Malaysia will ratify United Nation’s ICERD to end all discrimination.

This was a betrayal and blatant repudiation of Pakatan’s election promise made just 6 months ago.


My 4th discovery.

If the Malays and Muslims were to vote in the (next) 15th General Elections according to the anti-ICERD sentiment, it’s goodbye forever Pakatan Harapan.

The Opposition consisting of PAS & Umno only need to remind voters of this “Betrayal & Broken Promises”.

The foolishness of Pakatan in pandering to Chinese chauvinism allowed tainted leaders (currently charged in court) to hijack the narrative and harness the popular sentiment.


My 5th discovery.

This is my personal opinion.

Malaysia is financially able and morally obligated to uphold the Bumiputra privileges policy – which imply that there will be positive racial discrimination.

This is after all an election promise made by the winning coalition in GE14 and it must be delivered. The outcome of GE15 is not guaranteed!

The serious defect in Malaysia is that the Executive branch of the Government (namely the Prime Minister) had become too powerful and unchecked.

Greedy politicians are now being charged in court for the abuse of power, massive corruption, money-laundering and siphoning of millions and billions of dollars.

So what if 99% of UN ratifies ICERD? It’s just not accepted by too many voters in Malaysia. Period.

We must pursue deep institutional reforms, eradicate corruption and intensify our efforts to recover the stolen billions.

It is timely to consider the reestablishing of the oversight of the King’s veto powers.


MW photo

King abdicates his throne


82 YEARS AGO _ On 11th December 1936,

King Edward VIII abdicated his throne because

the Church of England and the Cabinet of politicians

bitterly opposed his marriage to an American divorcee Wallis Simpson.



82 YEARS AGO _ An axis of politics and religion

rejected a divorced woman to become the King’s wife.



Edward the Eighth gave up his kingdom and kingship.




“You must believe me when I tell you –

I can no longer discharge my duties as King

without the help and support of the woman I love.”



Daily Mail 11th Dec 1936

Edward VIII has abdicated the throne and all his titles

and will leave the country the same night.



Daily Herald 11th Dec 1936

The King abdicates….. leaving country.… may go to Rome.

His younger brother the new King visits mother.


After his abdication, Ex-King Edward

swore allegiance to his younger brother.

He insisted that it was his decision and his decision alone.

“And now, we all have a new King.”

“I wish him and you, his people,

happiness and prosperity,


“God bless you all! God save the King!”



MW photo


Wasiat Akhir Dan Warisan DiRaja

Wasiat Al-Wasiyya

Pernahkah anda dinamakan sebagai waris dalam satu wasiat akhir?

Katakanlah, seseorang yang berkenalan dengan anda telah meninggal dunia; samada keluarga atau rakan.

Al-Wasi (pentadbir) harta pusaka mendiang telah memberitahu bahawa anda telah dinamakan sebagai waris dalam wasiat akhir mendiang Al-musi (pewaris).

Ini bermakna anda adalah bakal menerima satu warisan hartanah, harta benda, saham, wang tunai dan sebagainya.

2d family

Families Sitting In Back Of Van Smiling

Perkara Undang-undang Penting *

1. Al-Musi (pewaris) adalah penulis wasiat akhir. Dia melantik Al-Wasi (pentadbir) dan menamakan waris yang layak menerima peninggalan.

2. Waris tidak boleh diubah. Anda sebagai waris mempunyai hak sahih untuk menerima (atau menolak) segalanya yang dinyatakan di dalam wasiat akhir.

3. Kandungan dalam wasiat akhir tidak boleh diubah. Al-Wasi (pentadbir) harta pusaka tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk menukar wasiat akhir; supaya menjadikannya lebih ‘sempurna’.

4. Al-Wasi (pentadbir) diberi kuasa mengedarkan harta pusaka itu hanya mengikut panduan terkandung dan mematuhi hasrat yang diwasiatkan oleh Al-Musi (pewaris).

5. Al-Wasi (pentadbir) tidak boleh diubah kecuali kalau mahkamah diyakini ketidakcekapan Al-Wasi (pentadbir) tersebut. Maka, satu perintah mahkamah diwajibkan.


2b family

Ini Kisah Kami *

Raja-Raja Melayu telah memerintah Tanah Melayu semenjak 500 tahun yang lalu.

Dalam tempuh sebelum 31hb Ogos 1957, 9 Raja-Raja Melayu bermuafakat menjadikan Tanah Melayu (Malaya) sebagai satu warisan.

Warisan ini diwariskan kepada berjuta-juta rakyat Malaysia sebagai waris bersama.

Wasiat akhir adalah terkandung dalam Perlembagaan dan perjanjian-perjanjian lain. Ini juga dikenali sebagai “7 Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu”.

Wasiat dan Hibah

Wasiat Akhir Diperkasakan Undang-Undang *

Al-Musi (pewaris) – 9 Raja-Raja Melayu sewaktu Merdeka.

Al-wasiyya (wasiat akhir) – Perlembagaan Persekutuan termasuk perjanjian lain.

Waris – semua rakyat Malaysia termasuk anda dan saya.

Al-Wasi (pentadbir) – 9 Sultan yang membentuk Majlis Raja-Raja.

Ketua Al-Wasi – DYMMSPB Yang di-Pertuan Agong yang mewakili Majlis Raja-Raja.

Warisan – keistimewaan kewarganegaraan, bentuk dan watak Malaysia yang kita menikmati.

6 Wasiat 1

Betapa indahnya prinsip-prinsip yang selaris ini:-

> Menerima warisan kami sebagai waris.

> “Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu” memperuntukkan warisan kepada semua rakyat Malaysia untuk menjaga kepentingan keturunan.

“Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu” jelas menyatakan bahawa terwujud tujuh ketetapan tidak boleh diubah tanpa tandatangan Agong dan meterai DiRaja.

2b TDM Mohon Maaf - MK

Baru-baru ini, Tun Dr. Mahathir memohon maaf di laman webnya.

“Saya ingin memohon maaf kerana pindaan perlembagaan yang menyebabkan kelulusan dan tandatangan Yang di-Pertuan Agong tidak lagi menjadi keperluan untuk menjadikan suatu Akta Parlimen sebagai undang-undang.”

2c family



Saya merayu untuk Suruhanjaya Siasatan DiRaja (RCI) ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat pindaan Perlembagaan Persekutuan pada tahun 1983, 1993 dan 1994.

1. Sekiranya 9 Raja-Raja bertindak sebagai ‘Al-wasi wasiat akhir’, siapa mempunyai kuasa sah untuk memindahkan kuasa Al-wasi kepada undi ahli politik?

2. Adalah 9 Raja-Raja tertekan apabila Tuanku-Tuanku menyerah kepada rang undang-undang (RUU) tersebut; dengan pengetahuan bahawa RUU ini akan meminggirkan ‘kuasa Al-wasi’?

3. Adakah satu referendum diwajibkan di seluruh negara untuk mendapatkan persetujuan rakyat Malaysia? Ini kerana rakyat dikenalpasti sebagai ‘waris’ dan kepentingan mereka akan terjejas.

4. Adakah rakyat Malaysia diberi maklum mengenai keputusan ahli politik untuk meminggirkan tandatangan Agong dan meterai DiRaja dalam pemindahan RUU?

5. Adakah rakyat Malaysia diberi penjelasan bahawa bil di Parlimen yang tidak menerima persetujuan dan perkenan Agong akan seterusnya secara otomatik menjadi RUU sahih dalam tempuh 30 hari?

6. Adakah satu persetujuan secara lisan atau bertulis diterima dari rakyat Malaysia sebagai penerima warisan?

2g Suruhanjaya DiRaja

Soalan-soalan penting ini perlu dijawab dengan segera kerana situasi ini boleh memberi kesan kepada integriti institusi dan kedaulatan undang-undang.

Kecuali dan sehingga satu referendum dijalankan di seluruh negara, untuk mendapatkan muafakatan 30 juta rakyat Malaysia;

Apa-apa pindaan kepada Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang meminggirkan kuasa Agong sejak 1983;

Seperlunya diteliti dari kedudukan preundangan yang sah; dan kalau dikenalpasti bertentangan perundangan; maka RUU tersebut mestilah dimansuh, ditolak dan ditarik-balik.

Saya dengan rendah hati merayu supaya tandatangan Agong dan meterai DiRaja diwajibkan semula untuk perundangan Akta RUU di Parlimen.


5th Aug 2017, Konvensyen “Memperkukuh Pasak Negara.”


Langkah mulia ini mengikut perjanjian adil yang dipersetujui sebelum Merdeka dan mematuhi bidang kuasa.

Lebih-lebih lagi, ini akan memulihkan kemuliaan dan keagungan institusi Raja; sebagai Ketua Negara; yang disanjungi tinggi oleh rakyat Melayu dan bukan-Melayu.

MW photo


Tun Dr. M  Memohon Maaf Kerana Mengubah Perlembagaan

Tun Dr. Mahathir secara agresif meminda Perlembagaan Persekutuan semasa beliau memangku jawatan PM Malaysia selama 22 tahun. Dari 1981 hingga 2003.

Ini terjadi terutamanya pada tahun 1983, 1993 dan 1994.

Dalam kejadian yang jarang berlaku, Tun Dr. M memohon maaf di laman webnya.

“Saya ingin memohon maaf kerana pindaan perlembagaan yang menyebabkan kelulusan dan tandatangan Yang di-Pertuan Agong tidak lagi menjadi keperluan untuk menjadikan suatu Akta Parlimen sebagai undang-undang.”

2b TDM Mohon Maaf - MK

Parlimen Malaysia *

Biasanya dalam demokrasi parlimen, ahli parlimen membuat perbahasan dan pengundian untuk meluluskan rang undang-undang (RUU).

Apabila ia menerima tandatangan Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan meterai DiRaja, RUU ini menjadi Akta Parlimen.

Dalam kes Tun Dr M, parti pemerintah (Barisan Nasional) mengubal beberapa RUU yang diiringi kempen pahit.

Matlamatnya ialah untuk meminggirkan perlindungan dan keperluan tandatangan Agong dan meterai DiRaja.

Adakah Agong menandatangani RUU ini secara sukarela; dan telah dinasihati dengan secukupnya?

Adakah Agong diberi maklum sepenuhnya bahawa RUU ini akan mengalihkan kuasa Agong kepada Ahli Parlimen yang diundi oleh rakyat?

2c Utusan - Kembalikan Kuasa Agong

2e FMT - Kembalikan Kuasa Agong

6 Wasiat 1

Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu *

(1) Kedaulatan (kekebalan) Raja-Raja untuk memerintah.

(2) Islam adalah agama rasmi Malaysia.

(2b) Kebebasan beragama dijamin kepada rakyat bukan Islam.

(3) Bahasa Melayu adalah Bahasa Kebangsaan.

(4) Tanah Rizab Melayu.

(5) Kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu.

(6) Kepentingan yang sah dari kaum lain.

(7) Rejimen Melayu Diraja.

RUU Di Parlimen *

Kesemua 7 peruntukan ini yang terkandung dalam RUU Parlimen masing-masing tidak boleh dipinda dalam Perlembagaan tanpa tandatangan Agong dan meterai DiRaja.

Tun Dr Mahathir memohon maaf bahawa beliau sebagai PM telah membuat tandatangan Agong dan meterai DiRaja tidak lagi perlu untuk mengubal undang-undang.

Adakah ini bermakna secara teorinya bahawa kesemua 7 peruntukan boleh diubah dengan pengundian 2/3 undi Parlimen?

2g Suruhanjaya DiRaja

Saya percaya bahawa soalan-soalan penting ini tidak dapat dijawab dengan memuaskan tanpa pembentukan Suruhanjaya Siasatan DiRaja (RCI).

Saya dengan rendah hati merayu kepada Kerajaan Malaysia untuk membentuk Suruhanjaya Siasatan DiRaja dengan segera.

MW photo

A Final Will And Royal Inheritance

1 Will Gavel

Have you been been named as a heir in a final will before?

Asuming; someone close to you had passed away; whether family or friend.

The administrator (executor) of the deceased’s estate have informed that you had been named as a heir in the final will of the deceased.

This means that you are a joint-heir (beneficiary) of an inheritance of properties, possessions, stocks or cash.

2d family

Families Sitting In Back Of Van Smiling

Important Legal Points *

1. The testator is the writer of the final will. He appoints the executors and names the heirs entitled to receive the inheritance.

2. The heirs cannot be changed. You have a lawful right to receive everything as stated in the will.

3. The contents of the final will cannot be changed. The executor of the estate does not have the power to change the final will; to make the final will any ‘better’.

4. The executor is given the mandate to distribute the estate only according to the instructions in the final will as stated by the testator.

5. The executor cannot be changed unless the court is convinced of the executor’s incompetence. Hence, only by court order.

2b family

This Is Our Story *

This happened in historical Malaya before 31st Aug 1957. Now the story becomes very interesting.

The 9 Malay Sultans had bequeath Tanah Melayu (combined) which were ruled by the Malay Monarchy for the past 500 years.

This enormous estate was a bequeathment to millions of Malaysian citizens as joint heirs.

The Dynamics Of The Will Is Activated *

Testators – the 9 Sultans at the time of Merdeka.

Final Will – the Federal Constitution including other agreements.

Joint heirs – you, me and all the citizens of Malaysia.

Executors – the 9 Sultans forming the Rulers Council.

Chief Executor – the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King) representing the Rulers’ Council.

Inheritance – the privileges of citizenship, the form and character of Malaysia that we live in.

Last will

6 Wasiat 1

What a beautiful parallel of principles between:-

> Receiving our inheritance as heirs.

> “Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu” leaving an inheritance to all Malaysians.

“Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu” clearly states that its seven immutable declarations cannot be changed without the Agong’s (King’s) signature and royal seal.

Star - Dr M

Recently, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir made an apology on his website.

“I would like to apologise for the amendment to the Constitution which made the approval and signature of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (the King) no longer necessary for the legalising of an Act of Parliament.”

2c family



I appeal for a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to be established to investigate the Federal Constitution amendments in 1983, 1993 and 1994.

1. If the present 9 Sultans were acting as ‘executors of the will’, who has the lawful authority to transfer the ‘executor’s powers’ to the politician’s vote?

2. Were the Sultans (being executors) subjected to duress when Their Majesties consented; knowing that the enacted Acts will diminish the ‘powers of the executors’?

3. Was there a nationwide referendum to seek the consent and approval of all Malaysians since their best interests would be affected as ‘joint-heirs of the final will’?

4. Were Malaysian citizens duly informed on the politicians’ decision to sideline the Agong’s (King’s) signature and royal seal in the Constitutional amendments?

5. Were Malaysian citizens informed that any bills in Parliament that does not receive royal assent will automatically become law of the nation within 30 days?

6. Was there a written or verbal consent recorded from the 30 million Malaysians being ‘joint-heirs’ and beneficiaries?


These imperative questions need to be answered urgently as the situation can affect the integrity of our institutions and the rule of law.

Unless and until a nationwide referendum is held to obtain the consensus of the 30 million Malaysians;

Any amendments to the Federal Constitution that diminishes the Agong’s (King’s) powers since 1983;

Should be scrutinised of its lawful standing; and if such are identified as conflicting with the rule of law; these Acts should be completely repealed, rejected and retracted.

I humbly appeal that the Agong’s (King’s) signature and royal seal to be made compulsory once again for the legislation of laws in the Parliament.

4r_The King Shoulders The Mandate Of Allah Entrusted

5th Aug 2017, Konvensyen “Memperkukuh Pasak Negara.”


This noble step is in accordance to the sacred agreements made pre-Merdeka and this fully abides by the rule of law.

Furthermore, this will restore the glory and majesty of the King’s institution; as the Head of the Government; which is highly exalted by the Malays and non-Malays.

MW photo

Tun Dr. M Apologises For Changing Constitution

Tun Dr. Mahathir aggressively amended the Federal Constitution while he was Malaysia’s PM for 22 years. From 1981 to 2003.

This happened particularly during the years of 1983, 1993 and 1994.

In a rare admission of wrongdoing, Tun Dr. M made this apology on his website.

“I would like to apologise for the amendment to the Constitution which made the approval and signature of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (the King) no longer necessary for the legalising of an Act of Parliament.”

1 TDM Apology - MK

2 TDM Apology - MM

Malaysia’s Parliament *

Usually in a parliamentary democracy, the members of parliament (MPs) debate and vote to legislate bills.

Once it receives the Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s (King’s) signature and royal seal, the bill becomes an Act of Parliament.

In Tun Dr M’s case, the ruling coalition legislated several bills orchestrated with a bitter public campaign.

The objective was to remove the necessity and safeguard of the Agong’s (King’s) signature and royal seal.

Did the Agong (King) signed the legislation willingly; and was advised sufficiently?

Was the Agong (King) fully informed that this bill will shift his Majesty’s powers to the MPs elected by the people?

3 C_Amendment

4 C_Amendment

5 C_Amendment

6 Wasiat 1

Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu *

The 7 Declarations Of The 9 Malay Rulers’ Will

(1) The sovereignty (immunity) of the Rulers to rule.

(2) Islam is the official religion of Malaysia.

(2b) Freedom of religion is guaranteed for non-Muslims.

(3) The Malay Language is the National Language.

(4) Malay Reserve Land.

(5) The privileged position of the Malays.

(6) The legitimate interests of other races.

(7) Royal Malay Regiment.


Acts of Parliament *

All 7 declarations contained in the respective Acts of Parliament cannot be amended in the Constitution without the Agong’s (King’s) signature and royal seal.

Tun Dr Mahathir apologised that he as the PM had made the King’s signature and royal seal no longer necessary for legislating of laws.

Does it mean theoretically that all 7 declarations can now be changed by a 2/3 Parliamentary vote?

I believe that these vital questions cannot be satisfactorily answered without the formation of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI).

I humbly appeal to the Government of Malaysia to establish a RCI urgently.

MW photo

PM Najib Supports “7 Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu”

Have you heard of the 7 declarations of the 9 Malay Rulers’ Legal Will?

When I did a Google search, I found out that YAB PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Supports “7 Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu”.

1 Sinar Harian - 7 Wasiat


PM  Najib says that “Tujuh Wasiat Sembilan Raja-Raja Melayu” is very clear with no uncertainty; and it cannot be disputed.


2 Bernama - 7 wasiat

Bernama 7th Aug 2009

Translated to English

PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Friday reminded the people to respect the reminder given by Raja Muda Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah on the “legal will” of the nine Malay Rulers.

He said this when asked to comment on the remarks of Raja Muda Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah which reminded the people especially the Malays of the “Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu” which promised solidarity, peace and harmony if they unite and adhere firmly to it.

The “legal will” was conveyed by the Malay Rulers before they signaled the consent of the formation of the Federal Constitution of Malaya on 5 August 1957.

Defense Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the “Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu” was much more than a social contract between the people and the king, and it also had a depth of meaning.

Perhaps many have forgotten concerning this “legal will” – only to be used as historical material. Zahid added that Raja Muda Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah has made the “legal will” a stern warning not only to Malays but also to the non-Malays.

My Comments

I have been left with no shadow of doubt that the “7 declarations of the 9 Malay Rulers Legal Will” must be fully adhered to.

Please join me to give our unequivocal commitment to this noble objective. My following articles will explain.

MW photo